Thursday, January 18, 2007

So long..farewell..

Ok one more year's gone...
and almost a month in the new year also had gone by...
was 2006 good? Yeah it was mostly

But there were some really bad, heart-wrenching stuff in 2006...things that should have never happened...
all over the world...all over the country...there was some much much of terrorism...sometimes you wonder if we are really "progressing, advancing" and all that...
Maybe we were better off in those age old days...
One thing that I cant forget in this year or for the rest of my life is the day A.Sirisha passed away...simply unfair....

Things on the brighter side included Dhriti, Dhriti and Dhriti....her vocabulary almost doubled and tripled ....tends to be the attention-grabber @ home...I haven't been able to read any novel in the past few months and that shows how busy she keeps us @ home!!

And like everybody even I wish the new year is even more good and kind and happy
and above everything else peaceful